Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy New Year!!

It has been awhile since I posted so here are a few pictures of what has been going on for the last few months.

Here is our new dog. It is a boxer just like our last one. We liked her so much we went with the same breed again. Her name is not Maya that is just the name the breeder gave her till we pick one out. We get to pick her up on the 24th of Jan.
I went on a deer hunt the first part of Dec. The first few days were very foggy, then it cleared off and was too good of weather for hunting. (no snow)

Here I am waiting for that perfect shot opportunity....too bad I cant hit what I aim at!! Oh well more practice needed for next year.

We got a lot of snow the last few weeks of December. I didn't keep a running total but I know we got well over 2 feet total.

The kids loved it!

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