Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tme for an update

Most of the interior work is finally done and we can now park one car in the garage!! Just in time for the rainy season.

We decided to get a gas fire insert as opposed to a wood fireplace. It will be much easier to flip a switch instead of going out and cutting down a tree for heat! We plan on having that installed sometime next month.

This is our closet in the downstairs hallway.


Naomi said...

Wow, your place is beautiful! Nice work!

Frandsen family said...

Lots like a hotel ... so where is all your stuff? I think I'd like to come visit! So are you going to relax this rainy season? Enjoy the beautiful work you've done

Traci K said...

I was thinking the same thing, Carmen! Legos on the couch or in the couch cushions? Can I come stay? Looks great guys!

Randy and Amy said...

The house not only looks great in pictures, but it very great in real life. Thanks for the fun evening last week. Once again, your house is awesome! When did you want to move in and finish our addition? We're pretty flexible as long as it gets done for a New Year's party!!! (2009 New Year's)

the homestead girl said...

How cool-I love the inset closet! And the rest of the house looks like it was "set" by the people that do magazine shoots...nicely done! :-)

Anonymous said...

You guys are really an amazing family. Your place looks great and hopefully you can finaly start to relax and take in the fruits of all of your hard work.